Leadership Coaching


Self leadership is about taking charge of your own life and taking responsibility. Part of growing as a leader is to be ready to expand your capabilities and strengths. For example; having the courage to speak up, having a voice and expressing yourself even when you are not always sure of yourself.

Curveballs will support you in developing skills and confidence in a range of workplace situations. You will improve your capability and be able to take it back to the workplace and apply.

Workplace situations may include:

  • communicating effectively in difficult conversations
  • bringing your authentic voice to work every day
  • managing new team responsibilities successfully
  • growing your EQ
  • utilising your strengths and capabilities effectively in a leadership role
  • analysing and actioning your own creativity

Foundation Leadership

Coaching Programme for Businesses

Curveballs can provide a tailored coaching programme for staff on an individual or small group basis.

The aroha4work coaching programme is tailored  to meet your business objectives and desired outcomes. A thorough training needs analysis will identify the most important skills needed to enhance the capability of your staff member.